Authority and Search Rankings

Authority and Search Rankings 1
Authority and Search Rankings 1

To understand the importance of authority and search rankings, we need to take e-commerce websites as examples. You should be able to trust a website before using your credit card to purchase something on it. Google has similar logic in place to determine what sites are authoritative enough to show in search results.

Authority and Search Rankings 2
Authority and Search Rankings 2

What is Authority?

Authority is when the website is recognized as being a leader in a particular field that it represents. With the best authority, you should find that the site ranks better than others in the same niche.

As the Las Vegas SEO experts, FPSG recommends that you build a trustworthy and authoritative site if you hope to rank better with the ever-changing search engine algorithms.

Looking at Google ranking criteria based on authority, we find that the search engine rates each page differently. It looks at the types of links on the page, the words around the links, source of backlinks, and the overall engagement of the page content.

Sometimes, Google hires human raters to look at the quality of the pages that appear on the first page of Google search results. As much as the human raters will not affect the rankings directly, they influence how the next Google algorithm will work to weed out low authority sites from the first page.


Engagement of the content can also affect the authority and search rankings. When you have high-quality content on the pages, it will lead to meaningful interactions. The quality of interactions is determined by the bounce rate, and the time spent on-page, the average session duration, and much more.

FPSG has worked as a Las Vegas SEO firm long enough to know the importance of producing engaging content. It is why we recommend that you take your time when crafting new content for your site. There is no need to rush content only to end up with content that has a high bounce rate.

The first page Google guaranteed can only happen if more people can like the content you are posting. Also, with high-quality backlinks to the site, you will end up having better authority and search rankings.


By now, you have sites bookmarked for various reasons. Maybe it is because the website is known for offering valuable information about a specific subject. For a website with the best reputation, then it would rank better.

Building a reputation takes a lot longer than what some would want to spend on their websites. However, the results are always worth the effort. Being a reputable website carries a lot of weight for readers. Many would be willing to believe the information from a reliable site, and the same goes for Google rankings.

From the above tips, we at First Page Seo Guarantee recommend getting the best Las Vegas SEO services to work on your authority and search rankings. This kind of investment ensures that the time and money spent in setting up the website is worth it in the long run. 

Images and Videos – Google also checks your site’s images and videos; the more relevant they are, the better your rankings will be. However, make sure that you optimize your pictures and videos in a way that it won’t affect loading times that much. Images and videos must load quickly so that users will be able to see and watch them when they choose your website.

Meta tags, Meta descriptions – these are short sentences that are shown under your site’s titles on search results. Meta descriptions should contain a brief but complete summary of what the user will get when they click your website.

On the other hand, Off-page SEO refers to the external things that affect your website’s rankings. Off-page SEO is like establishing your reputation and credibility in your chosen niche. These includes,

Strong backlinks – these are links that are inserted to your article, which will direct the user to another related website. The stronger your backlink is, the better effect it will have on your rankings. Two or more websites usually exchange backlinks to gain the benefits mutually. However, if your site has excellent content, then many websites will automatically use your website as their backlinks. Thus, as long as your site has legitimate content, then it will eventually build many backlinks.

Social media – Another Off-page SEO that can help your rankings is by promoting through social media. By developing in social media, your website will be able to expand on a platform with millions of users every minute, which Google also recognizes in determining your ranks.

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