Before hiring a Las Vegas SEO firm, you should consider having a consultation. During this interview is when you can gauge if the company is the right one. Sometimes, it’s difficult for people who have never hired an SEO firm to know what questions to ask. We’ve put together a list of questions and points for you to consider before hiring a company to do your SEO work.
1. Can I have a list of the past and current clients?
Any good Las Vegas SEO firm will not have a problem showing some of their previous work. They do not have to provide you with a list of everyone they have worked for, but they need to be able to show that they have experience providing results for clients.
The best firms will have a list of clients willing to give testimonials on their behalf for doing quality work. If the company you’re speaking with has a list of clients that you can contact to find out whether or not they were satisfied with any work produced, it’s a good indicator that they have a track record of success.
2. How will you improve the SEO rankings of my website?
Any reputable company will be able to give you a general idea of their process for increasing their client’s rankings. SEO, especially Las Vegas SEO, is a constantly changing field so don’t take their initial thoughts as set in stone. Instead, use this line of questioning as an opportunity to gauge the company/consultant’s creativity with SEO and online marketing. They may even have some great ideas for you to implement that will lie outside of SEO recommendations.
3. Does your SEO company adhere to search engine webmaster guidelines?
Sometimes, companies will sacrifice long-term website health for quick results to show their clients. While these methods may have an immediate and sizable impact, if they don’t adhere to search engine webmaster guidelines, it could be a potential problem for your company and website down the road; especially if a search engine penalizes your website for this type of violation.
It is important that the SEO company assures you about their adherence to these guidelines from the search engines. They should be aware of the difference between effective SEO and blackhat techniques that cause long term problems for websites.

4. Can you guarantee number one ranking on search engines?
This particular question should only be used as a test. There are many companies out there with some type of guarantee; us at First Page SEO Guarantee fall into this category. However, there are some guarantees that are completely unreasonable. For instance, anyone guaranteeing the number one spot on Google is either naive or trying to sweet talk. If a company guarantees the number one ranking on Google, Bing, or Yahoo, take this as an immediate red flag.
It’s not impossible to get to the number one position for keyphrases, but generally speaking there’s no way to guarantee that it happens as the top positions on Google are usually held by companies who are employing similar SEO strategies. That’s why we guarantee first page rankings for our clients, with the end goal obviously being to exceed our initial guarantee.
5. Will the Las Vegas SEO company share all the changes with me?
One of the main problems with marketing in the past is the lack of tracking for results, which caused a lot of questions about whether or not marketing was a worthwhile investment. With the rise of technology, this problem has become less and less prevalent. With SEO in particular, there are literally dozens of different tools and platforms to utilize in order to keep track of progress and measure success. A Las Vegas SEO Firm should be able to create regular reports for clients. These reports serve two purposes: keeping your peace of mind and keeping the company on track to achieve the expected goals.
Sharing individual changes with clients can be tedious and time consuming for any SEO firm. We don’t recommend micro-managing your SEO company; instead work with them to come up with a reporting schedule that works for both parties and ensures you’re always in the loop, especially if there are circumstances that require a change in direction or strategy. Our clients prefer reporting on a monthly basis, which gives us the opportunity to spend more time with them in a single session and go over anything notable (positive and negative).
Hopefully these questions will give you a better understanding of how to differentiate a good Las Vegas SEO Firm who wants the best for you and your company from one that just wants a paycheck. We pride ourselves on catering to our clients and ensuring that they’re happy with the level of service we provide and confident in the results we display. Call today and ask us any of the questions above, as well as any others you may have, and we’ll be happy to tell you why we’re the best Las Vegas SEO Firm!